Sunday, January 16, 2011


LibraryThing is a super discovery, its a wealth of recommended books and authors, which personally I would really find useful.

As a newcomer to Library work, I am always looking for books to read especially subjects and authors I may not usually read. After having attached a gadget to my blogger (does that make sense)I found that because two of my books do not have pretty covers they are not shown, but believe me they are there!!

I did struggle with attaching the gadget to my blogger, but having got together with my work mates today, with their help, I got through it.


  1. I have actually heard of Librarything so I'm looking forward to that part of the course.

  2. I love LibraryThing and will use it at work a lot more now I know about it! I too had lots of frustration trying to get my widget into my blog!

  3. I'm really interested to know how libraries use it on thier website and i think it will be a good tool to use when wanting to find reviews of books
