Thursday, January 20, 2011


I had not heard of these before, and at first thought they would be just like On-line Videos, but now I know they are very different.

Feed-back received from borrowers at my Library, shows that Audio Books have become extremely popular. Perhaps this is due to the face that we have an ageing population who can find it difficult to read books, and people are having to travel further to work, and need stimulation whilst driving.

Podcasta could be used to give patrons tit-bits from new books and also aid in training staff. I enjoyed the British Library Podcasts on their exhibitions.


  1. I hadn't heard much on podcasts either but I checked out the suggested ones and enjoyed the '60 second science podcast', never knew such things existed!

  2. As you've mentioned, the popularity of audiobooks would imply that podcasts would be popular with our patrons. And with the long train ride to Perth, there is a good opportunity for patrons to listen to podcasts on their ipod etc.
